Clothe Yourself
Happy Easter!
I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break & spent time celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! What a good Friday and Easter Sunday it truly was. Without the resurrection we would have no hope of changing our ways. He freed us from sin by His death, but the Resurrection is what gives us blessed assurance of eternal life.
Recently, I have been challenging myself to spend more time reading the Bible and memorizing pieces of scripture. I am embarrassed by the days during which I made time for television shows, YouTube videos, and secular music, but never once picked up the Bible. I can't be a very helpful Christian without actually knowing the truth in the Word to share with others. Sure, I have still been watching the Youtubers I enjoy hearing from, but I have significantly limited the time spent doing it. I used to watch videos every single day whenever I was bored, but now I only watch videos one day a week and I only watch ones that I think could teach me something useful or inspire me.
One verse I have been dwelling on this past week is Colossians 3:12.
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
I found this verse when I was getting really frustrated with the actions of some people around me. I literally googled, "verses about dealing with people who make you mad". LOL. Sometimes I just need to tell myself to chill.
The five qualities in the verse are five that I am striving to have. It's a 5 for the price of 1 reminder. I really focus on being patient and when I am patient, the rest are easier to do.
One of my intentions for the month of April is to treat people with kindness even if they really annoy me. Something I have noticed I have struggled with is letting little things worry and bother me instead of looking at the big picture that God paints for us in the Bible. That is the reason behind my desire to know the Bible better. I have noticed even just by memorizing this one verse and repeating it to myself daily, I have been so much better at letting things roll off my back instead of letting things frustrate me and ruin my mood. You might not know what other people are going through or feeling so you should just be kind anyway, even if their personality clashes with your own.
It can be hard to do. If you struggle with getting frustrated by people around you I recommend memorizing a verse like Colossians 3:12 or Luke 6:31.
Remind yourself that loving others like Jesus is more important than getting exactly what you want. You aren't on this Earth to fill all your desires. You are on this Earth to love people, spread God's love, and work hard for what you love. There is no shame is working hard for what you want, as long as you are achieving that in a Godly way. I believe God is a good father and wants His children to be happy. There is great joy in the Lord knowing that He has placed you and is guiding your path.
You might hate your job or your house or your clothes, but think about what Jesus did for you. You have life. Eternal life through faith in Him.
-from Anna with love
The Outfit
I picked up this outfit while shopping at Anthropologie after the spring fashion show mentioned in my last post! The top is from the clearance section & the pants are from their new spring line! Best of both worlds.
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