Thanksgiving Day Outfits that Grandma will Love


Okay so you don’t have your outfit planned for your living room on Thanksgiving yet!? I gotchu. As a woman who fully understands why looking right on a holiday even though you’re not leaving the house is extremely important, I have 3 outfits prepped for you that grandma, mom, Uncle Jerry, and all your other favorites relatives will love. You bet your bottom dollar those Iphone pics you’ll be taking with your favorite cousin are gonna be the cutest. Very insta worthy. I can’t wait to see them.

The looks brought to you today are all from The Impeccable Pig in Cameron Village. This store is exactly where you need to head for the latest trends, cute outerwear, the BEST customer service, new denim styles, and dresses galore. The team members there are always so helpful and honest. It’s going to be my new go-to for bottoms and dresses for sure. With that, let’s hop into Turkey Day outfits for your living room and beyond!

Burnt orange but no burnt turkey: This look is my favorite so I have to start with it. I have been hunting down some of these trendy, cropped, but also frayed black jeans EVERYWHERE and these fit like a glove! They’re also made in the USA, but still under $100 which I was very impressed with. I have them paired with this burnt orange top that I’m not surprised I was drawn to it as soon as I entered the store. I think I have bought 3 tops with sleeves that style in the past month or two lol. Can’t stop won’t stop. Also would be SUPER cute with some high waisted bell bottoms.

Going to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade cuz you’re cool like that: This outfit makes me feel like I’m in Times Square or should be walking through city streets with a latte in hand. Best thing about this oversized fur coat is the fact I could be wearing my t shirt I wore to bed the previous night underneath and it somehow makes it stylish. There’s not much I feel like this wouldn’t look good thrown over.

Thanksgiving Dinner with actual cloth napkins: I am in love with this dress. It is so soft and silky, plus super roomy for food baby. Though my Thanksgiving festivities are not elegant enough to wear this to, I want this dress for all the other special occasions in life. I’m a sucker for soft and flowy, always. Any of you actually have Thanksgiving dinner intimate enough to sit at one dining room table set to perfection with real, cloth napkins?? I have never known that life hahaha. Our dinner is so big we have probably over 10 tables and we’re sitting in like 4 different rooms lol. Gotta still dress cute doe.

If you’ve been on the hunt for some new holiday looks, The Impeccable Pig needs to be your next stop! Especially since this weekend they’ll have some awesome Black Friday deals and there’s so many local businesses to support during Small Business Saturday in Cameron Village! Happy stuffing your faces and shopping at midnight!! :)))))

-from Anna with love

Thank you to Cameron Village for sponsoring this post!

LocalAnna Haddock